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Tuesday 11 December 2018

Four Daily Mobility Drills For Athletes


Over the Christmas Period you will be sitting for long periods either in front of the TV, driving to somewhere or doing a “Sam Briggs” style Marathon Row on Christmas Day.

All of which are sitting!

So take 2 minutes out of your busy schedule to mobilise your body with the following 4 exercises:

1.     Passive to Active Hang

2.     Jefferson curl down

3.     Deep Squat and Reach

4.     Easy Bridge

1. Passive to active hang

The passive part of the hang stretches the muscles of the Pectorals and Lat Dorsi.

The active part of the hang isometrically strengthens the depressors of the scapula.

2. The Jefferson Curl or controlled roll down

This is a controlled global spinal flexion exercise that starts in the standing position. 

You then put your chin on your chest and spinally flex from cervical, through Thoracic then finally into Lumbar.

3.     Deep Squat and Reach

Squat down as deep as you can.

For balance you might need to hold onto something for balance.

Reach up with one arm and rotate your Torso towards that arm.

4.     Easy Bridge

This is a tough exercise if you are tight on your anterior structures (Pecs, Abs, Hip Flexors and Quads).

Sit on the floor with your hands behind you and fingers facing away.

Bend your knees at 90 degrees.

In one movement, lift up your pelvis as high as you can and at the same time push down through straight arms and extend your shoulders.

Whatever you are doing, try these 4 mobility drills for 30 seconds each. 

That’s only 2 minutes per round.

Try 2-3 Rounds for optimal benefit.

Get mobilising!

Video: https://www.youtube.com/user/Calisthenicmovement

1 comment:

  1. Great tips, many thanks for sharing. I have printed and will stick on the wall! I like this blog.

    Boulder Physio
