Welcome Video

Monday 15 April 2019

What is the single best Medicine we can take for our health?


If you are a regular reader of this Blog then I am preaching to the converted.

However, I would like you to give this short but important video to your friends and family who you know are not getting enough physical activity in their lives.

For investment of just 22-30 minutes per day (which adds up to just over 150 hours per week) you can keep away from the World's number one preventable killer, lack of Cardio-Respiratory Fitness. 

Which is statistically the strongest predictor of premature death.

In addition, if you are more physically active, then your likelihood of having of of the other top 5 diseases also decreases, so it is win/win.

Now this physical activity does not even have to be done in one go!

Three lots of 10 mins, morning, lunch and evening.

We call this "snacking on exercise."

Even if you get your 30 mins of activity, it is still unwise to be in the same position for too long.

Sitting disease includes watching a screen for 5 or more hours daily.

Who doesn't use a computer for work these days?

Why not try a standing desk and alternate positions every 30 mins?

Your challenge is:

Can you limit your sleeping and sitting to just 23.5 hours day?

Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aUaInS6HIGo

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