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Tuesday 18 June 2019

Bulletproof Your Devils Press


So what is the Devil’s Press?

Well, it is a combination exercise using Dumb bells

Of a Down-Up Movement followed by a Dumb Bell Swing

The Bulletproofbodies team have already been treating athletes who have either under-estimated this movement, by going too heavy or are not familiar with the rhythm of the movement change.

Don't get caught out.


Bulletproof Your Technique

How to perform the devils press:

Let the dumbbells hang next to the body

Hip hinge

Lower the weights to the ground (preferably in-line with shoulders)

Lower the body to the ground

Perform a semi-explosive triceps push-up

Follow through and kick the legs in (underneath)

(This is technically a down-up with Dumb Bells)

Contract the gluteus maximus for a static hip hinge

Mid-line stable

Pull the dumbbells all the way to the back between the legs

Contract the gluteus maximus and hamstrings to pull the pelvis up with a rigid spine

There are two versions to get the Dumb bells over head:

Follow through while swing snatching the dumbbells overhead (most popular version) or

Clean and rack (correct version)


Stand up straight and achieve a proper overhead lockout

Lower dumbbells to hanging next to the body


Make sure that your chest touches the ground and the Dumbbells are visible behind the legs upon back swing.

The area to concentrate on your form is the transition from upwards movement into the swing with a straight back.

This is a unique transition movement and it would be worth practicing the "Boot-Strapper Squat" as your warm up (this was covered in a previous blog).

Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SQ5EgU4R3gw

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