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Tuesday 4 June 2019

Improve Your Standing Long Jump with the Bootstrapper Squat


So, yesterday we learned about the Hip Hinge-Squat Continuum and that the Kettle Bell Swing has a Functional Correlation to a standing long jump.

The mistake most people make when they perform a standing long jump is they “squat” the movement rather than “hip-snap” the movement.

Remember the Dan John's Continuum?

We are now talking about the middle of this continuum.

Today we learn about the under-utilised “Bootstrapper Squat”

The Bootstrapper Squat is a Mobility Exercise that is the perfect warm up for standing long jump.

It consists of holding a Kettle Bell out in front of your body (by the ears) whilst you are in deep Squat.

Then, keep your feet in place and lift your hips up high so you are now in a hinge position, letting the Kettle Bell come between you legs.

How to do Bootstrapper Squat:

Step 1: Take a Kettlebell and hold it with both hands under your chin.

Step 2: Stand with your feet shoulder width apart.

Step 3: Squat down so that you are almost sitting on your heels.

Step 4: Straighten your legs out and lean your body forward at the same time.

Step 5: As you lean forward stretch your arms down so that the weight goes between your legs.

Step 6: Bend your legs again, sit back on your calves, bring weight under your chin, and straighten your upper body back up.

Step 7: This completes one repetition.

Try this awesome mobility exercise and let me know how much your standing long jump improves?

Dan John, the Bulletproofbodies Team Salutes you.


Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=P5BrY-rOqCc

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