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Friday 15 June 2018

Power Plate Workout


Even if we have not all personally used them, we are all more or less familiar with certain items of apparatus used in gyms today and like everything else, modern technology is keeping up with new developments in this area. One of the most exciting aids to health and fitness is the use of power plates which, simplified, is an exercise machine which works on the body's muscle tone and with the use of high speed vibrations force them into a natural contraction at which point thereafter they go into relax mode.

If you can imagine, for example, working on upper arm strength then you would of course have to carry out exercises for that particular function and this could use up a whole exercise session but the use of power plates means that several groups of muscles are being 'worked on' simultaneously thereby saving a great deal of time and effort. Because the contractions are carried out at such a high speed the bone density will be enhanced thereby decreasing the chances of developing osteoporosis.

It is important to remember that the use of power plates should be incorporated into a structured exercise routine for you to achieve the maximum benefit and of course a sensible calorie controlled diet should always be followed so that they work alongside each other. If you have a previous medical history or feel unsure whether this method would be suitable for you, it is always wise to check with your doctor beforehand and of course always use the machine in a safety conscious establishment with fully qualified staff at hand. Power plates, in the main, are suitable for all age groups and can be used by children to help a variety of conditions ranging from back problems to sports injuries. Because this is a static machine, it has a high safety factor and by using the correct poses and most importantly remembering to align your body so that there is tension in the muscles, your workout will be effective and most of all will save you a great deal of time.

One of the best advantages in using power plates, and there are many, is that you can tailor your exercise sessions to strengthen certain muscles by using the correct body positions aimed at your favourite sport or hobby. Whilst some users will hope to achieve an all round increase in strength and tone, others will want to target particular muscle groups which will be used more in their chosen pastime or perhaps even in a sports minded or dance profession. It is a very easy procedure and as you stand on the machine, simply mimic the actual stance you would take while carrying out the particular activity for the pre-determined allotted time and those groups of muscles will be worked on.

Unquestionably, one of the main advantages of using power plates is the time factor and on a full training session you can actually achieve the same results in around one sixth of the conventional time taken for the same group of exercises. We all want to save time and money and this machine can help to achieve this and of course you will look and feel fantastic, and best of all the long hard hours spent previously in the gym will be a thing of the past.

Author Gail Anderson is a pet owner and writes for a wide variety of online specialty shops including a very popular site selling quality home gym Power Plates. Visit http://www.orbus-leisure.com today.

Article Source: https://EzineArticles.com/expert/Gail_Anderson/579741

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/3979418

Video: https://www.youtube.com/user/MercolaPeakFitness

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