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Tuesday 30 May 2017

Cage Fighter Alex Reid & Bulletproofbodies

We all know Alex as a Cage Fighter with over 300 fights to his name.

Now Alex has turned his hand to Body Building and will be competing in Mr Hampshire this coming weekend at the Princes Hall in Aldershot on the 3rd of June.

Alex is in great shape for this weekend but he needed some Physio after all the punishment his body has taken over the years.

Here is what he had to say about Bulletproofbodies:


We went straight to the hardcore treatment of Acupuncture.

Alex is certainly not afraid of needles!

At Bulletproofbodies we do a rare form of Acupuncture called Intra-muscular stimulation. 

Originally brought to the West by Chan Gunn it is one of the most effective treatments out there for relaxing tight muscles and restoring them to their normal length-tension.

As Acupuncture is not for everyone we tend to use Compex these days.

If you have not tried Compex yet you are missing out on the secret of recovering.

When Cage Fighter turns Body Builder there is a requirement for a different set of physical skills and training methodology.

Not to mention the discipline of dieting and eating clean.
Alex is a natural showman so going on stage should be easier than fighting in the cage.

Alex the Bulletproofbodies team salutes you and we wish you luck for competing this weekend at Mr Hampshire.

Saturday 27 May 2017

Perhaps the most important reason for you to SQUAT.

At Bulletproofbodies we are always harping on about the importance of being able to perform a squat as part of normal functional movement.

The squat has always been associated with strength & conditioning but its relationship with toileting is often forgotten about.

In Western society we have gotten use to sitting on the porcelain throne and have forgotten the way in which out bodies go to the toilet best, that of the deep squat position.


The "Squatty Potty" is a simple addition to your bathroom that allows you to correct the "ano-rectal" angle.

The Pubo-rectalis muscle maintains the ano-rectal angle and sitting at 90 degrees only partially relaxes this muscle.

Sitting at 90 degrees means the colon is still kinked and is sub-optimal for toileting.

By simply raising the feet this then flexes the hips into a position that mimics normal squatting and allows the colon to fully open.

So the message is simple, if in doubt, SQUAT!

You can purchase yours today from the Bulletproofbodies Blogspot today.


Check out their website:


Friday 19 May 2017

Paul Chek, Bulletproofbodies & Cross-Fit

"There is no such thing as a bad exercise or exercise system. 

There are only incorrectly prescribed exercises and exercise systems."

Paul Chek


In case you don't know, Paul Chek popularised Functional Movement and challenged the Body Building Gym culture of the 90's.

The Chek Institute is concerned with Holistic health and not just Functional Training.

He uses his 4 Doctors analogy which is brilliant. 

The last 4 Doctors you will ever need:

Dr Happiness - AIR - What do you want from CrossFit?

Dr Movement - FIRE - Are you over training?

Dr Diet - EARTH - Are you eating correctly?

Dr Quiet - WATER - Are you rehydrating and resting enough?

We put all these in the Couldren of Consciousness which contains many ingredients and requires some alchemy: 





Paul is not against CrossFit but he wants to make us aware of the challenge. Or as he calls it, “Trial by fire, baby.”

What Paul is highlighting is the significant risk that high intensity training may bring if you do not have adequate muscle flexibility, joint stability and baseline fitness

Are you ready for CrossFit? 

Are you prepared for CrossFit?

Are you scaling your workouts?

Are you maintaining good form when lifting?

Are you training through injury?

CrossFit replaces a primal need, that of significance, or proving yourself in society where you no longer have to prove anything.

Check out Paul's book - "How to eat, move and be healthy." 

I love Paul Chek and CrossFit and would recommend both to you, but only if you are ready for a trial by fire (baby)!

Paul Chek, the Bulletproofbodies team Salute you.


Thursday 18 May 2017

Compex & Bulletproofbodies, Lower Body Strength- Squats

If you have not seen Compex on CrossFit athletes like Matt Fraiser, Josh Bridges, Sam Briggs, Camille LeBlanc-Bazinet and Will Kane (to name just a few) then here is why they are using it.

Not only can Compex help with recovery but it can also help your high resistance, strength training:

Check out this training from the Compex legend Heiko:

The DOMS (Delayed Onset Muscle Soreness) you get from the Compex is insane!

The future of tachnolgy and fitness together is already here.

Train, Recover, Compete, Repeat.

To receive 25% discount off Compex SP 4.0, 6.0 and 8.0 units.
Enter my promo code:


Tuesday 16 May 2017

The Body Power Games 2017, Compex & Bulletproofbodies

The Body Power Games was hosted at the NEC Birmingham and saw 3 days of hard-core CrossFit action.

Check out this awesome video by Team RICHEY:

Subscribe to their channel on:

Friday was about an invitational group of athletes with 5 workouts and the first that needed to be sychronised burpees and pull ups.

WOD 1 - Burpees, Snatch and Pull ups

WOD 2 - Max Clean and Jerk, Max Snatch

Wod 3 - 100 Double Unders, £0 Squat Snatch, 30 Ring Muscle Ups and 50 Calorie Row

Unfortunately, this athlete sustained a shoulder injury whilst performing Olympic lifting.

However, on hand was the winning Rehabilitation combination of Compex and Rocktape was there to provide early treatment.

Leading the road to Rehab Dale Walker Physio was able to assess and treat the injury with Compex and Rob Crowley (Rock Doc Rob) was there to provide the Rocktape helping this athlete go stronger for longer.

Regionals & Compex-sponsored athlete Will Kane was there on Friday for the invitational CrossFit competition.

CrossFit Blockhouse were represented by the legend that is Spencer Whiteley. This guy is a machine that I've been causing pain (and getting him better) for 10 years now.

He's also got the best Tatoo on his back that I have ever seen!

CrossFit Solent were represented by Duncan Aldous and team for this very special Throwdown.

CrossFit Esprit de Corps are going to Regional again! This team is super fit and definately true to their name, amazing Team spirit.

Let's see if Tom Wyles can keep his top on for longer than 5 minutes (I doubt it!).

CrossFit Colchester were receiving special treatment by being fed whilst having their Compex treatment.

CrossFit Reading saw the stoppable couple of Tom Parker and Becky Pykett. Here's Tom getting some well earned treatment with Compex UK and the gorgeous Athalie Redwood Brown.

CrossFit 3D had some highs at lows at the Body Power Games.

Ola came first in the Individual Masters on Saturday.

Ali unfortunately got injured and is recovering.

We wish you a speedy recovery from the Compex and Bulletproofbodies Team!

Grinny was training with me last night at CrossFit 3D and this is his second competition in as many weeks. He competed at the Rainhill Trials last week coming 5th!

It was great to see my Coaches in action, proving they not only talk the talk but they also walk the walk. Well done boys!

Compex UK and Dale Walker Physio had an wonderful time treating CrossFit athletes at the Body Power Games 2017.

Remember, Injury is the Enemy, Bulletproof your body!

Monday 15 May 2017

Body Power Expo 2017, Compex & Bulletproofbodies

The Body Power Expo was also home to the Body Power Games which is a high level CrossFit event that drew crowds as the struggled to choose which event to observe next.

The NEC in Birmingham was buzzing with Body Builders, Power Lifters, Olympic Weight lifters, Strongmen, Gymnasts and CrossFitters.

From these arduous physical activities there was no shortage of people wanting advice and treatment for musculo-skeletal injuries.

From strained pectorals whilst posing to recovery muscle stimulation in between Workouts, Compex was assisting athletes during all activities.

At Body Power I was taking my Physio skills to the next level by treating Strongman athletes. 

These guys are awesome,  huge and packed full of muscle.

They are too heavy for the Plinths so we have to perform therapy of the floor in order to sort out their sore backs from Deadlifting heavy weights, like a Vauxhall Corsa!

UK CrossFit legend, Will Kane was in action at the Body Power Games and he popped by the Compex UK tent for some treatment.

Cage Fighter, Alex Reid came for the Compex experience to help him as he prepares his body for Mr Hampshire.

For some just walking around the different displays at the NEC was enough to bring on Back Pain so it was Compex to the rescue.

To receive 25% discount off Compex SP 4.0, 6.0 and 8.0 units.
Enter my promo code:


Monday 8 May 2017

Rainhill Trials, Bulletproofbodies & Rocktape UK

The Rainhill Trials at Sport City Manchester is a two day CrossFit competition.

This is a great way to start your competitive career as an athlete.

The day is always well organised with slick change overs between the events.

The event is expertly run by TRAIN Manchester.

At the Rocktape UK tent we were busy treating and preventing injuries.

Some athletes come with pre-existing injuries and others have niggles that they can get sorted out on the day.

Rocktape employ only high level Therapists and this weekend was no exception.
We had an Osteopath and a Physiotherapist working together.

Not only that but one of our own Rock Docs, Rob Crowley was competing in the Masters competition.

This was also a chance to show off the new Rock Blades for myofascial release.

Rocktape also has a number of products that every CrossFit athlete would love to get their hands on!

Why don’t you check out their website below and use my discount code:

Use my discount code:
Well done to all athletes and organisers at the Rainhill Trials.

Tuesday 2 May 2017

Bulletproofbodies & MovNat

When we talk about Functional Training we often think of the Gym.

However, Erwin Le Corre from MOV NAT (Move Naturally) thinks differently.

Mov Nat talks about Physical Performance being divided up into:

·        Movement skills
·        Conditioning
·        Mind set

Mov Nat argues that true Functional training should be outdoors and in nature not in the Gym.

In nature our physical skills can be separated into:
  • Manipulative
  • Combative
  • Locomotive

This then depends on the contextual demands:

·        Environmental
·        Situational

Erwin talks about the 10 Mov Nat concepts:

1.     Evolutionary
2.     Instinctual
3.     Universal
4.     Practical
5.     Vital
6.     Adaptive
7.     Unspecialised
8.     Efficient
9.     Co-operative
10. Environmental

This gets away from compartmentalising fitness with the overall goal of being fit to be helpful for others.

Check out their website:


They are coming to London on 16th June:
