Welcome Video

Friday 29 June 2018

Paul Chek, Totem Poles & Chronic Pain


We conclude our week of discussing the “Ghost in the machine” paper by Paul Chek and Matt Wallden.

In this video Paul talks about his unique methods of assessment and how this leads him to be more successful because of this holistic approach.

We explore the Totem Pole "top down" assessment method used by Chek practitioners.

Paul has been successful where other Therapists have not, including treating Healthcare Professionals themselves.

Paul discusses his Athletic and Clinical History.

There is an excellent summary of the Totem Pole by British Physio Kieran Macphail, you can read that on the link below:

For more information about The Chek institute go to the Chek Europe Website:

  Video: https://www.youtube.com/user/PaulChekLive

Thursday 28 June 2018

Want to get Fit? Start with your thoughts


If you want to get fit, then start with your thoughts!

This may sound a bit strange but mental health is the first of the CHEK Holistic lifestyle principles.

The average person has 80,000 thoughts per day.  Of those thoughts, 80% of them are negative.  

We can control the "health" of our thoughts through practice.

We must train our minds as well as our bodies.

Meditation is a great way to do this.

However, if you are a Physically Active, get things done person you are less likely to spend your time, "doing nothing."

But, for busy and physically active people, it is we who could benefit the most from this.

 The CHEK principles:

1. Thoughts / Emotions

2. Breathing habits

3. Hydration

4. Food

5. Sleep

6. Exercise

Join Matt and Paul for their Webinar this Thursday 28th June:

For more information about The Chek institute go to the Chek Europe Website:

I will see you in the Webinar this Thursday.

For more information about The Chek institute go to the Chek Europe Website:

I will see you in the Webinar this Thursday.

Video: https://www.youtube.com/user/PaulChekLive

Wednesday 27 June 2018

Q&A with Paul Chek & Matthew Wallden


Paul and Matt answer questions by applying the CHEK principles.

The CHEK principles:

1. Thoughts / Emotions

2. Breathing habits

3. Hydration

4. Food

5. Sleep

6. Exercise

You can access the article for a limited amount of time on the following link:



Join Matt and Paul for their Webinar this Thursday 28th June:

For more information about The Chek institute go to the Chek Europe Website:

I will see you in the Webinar this Thursday.

For more information about The Chek institute go to the Chek Europe Website:

I will see you in the Webinar this Thursday.

Video: https://www.youtube.com/user/PaulChekLive

The Authors of Ghost in the Machine are Matt Wallden and Paul Chek

Tuesday 26 June 2018

Get to Know the Authors of Ghost in the Machine


The Authors of "Ghost in the Machine" are Matt Wallden and Paul Chek.

In this Video you can get to know both Paul and Matt, how they met and why they continue to work together.

Matt is an Osteopath as well as a CHEK practitioner.

Matt discusses why he became a CHEK practitioner and how he integrates this is his practice and this academic writing.

The article "Ghost in the Machine" is available for a limited time at the link below:



Join Matt and Paul for their Webinar this Thursday 28th June:

For more information about The Chek institute go to the Chek Europe Website:

I will see you in the Webinar this Thursday.

For more information about The Chek institute go to the Chek Europe Website:

I will see you in the Webinar this Thursday.

Video: https://www.youtube.com/user/PaulChekLive

Monday 25 June 2018

The Ghost in the Machine


Paul Chek and Matt Wallden have released a new paper on:

 – Is musculoskeletal medicine lacking soul?

If you are on the Bulletproofbodies mailing list you will already have access to this paper.

However, if you are not on the list make sure you sign up today:

You can access this article from the link below:


There is some information in this paper that really challenges the Biomechanical model of pain.

The pain teacher makes you aware of the choices you are making.

Unconscious behaviours become conscious.

No pain, No gain (Outdated)

Work hard, Rest Hard (Updated)

Join Matt and Paul for their Webinar this Thursday 28th June:

For more information about The Chek institute go to the Chek Europe Website:

I will see you in the Webinar this Thursday.

Video: https://www.youtube.com/user/PaulChekLive

Friday 22 June 2018

International Day of Yoga 2018 - World Records


Yesterday was the 4th International Yoga day worldwide.

Even the Prime Minister of India joined in.

International Yoga Day has been celebrated on June 21 every year, since the United Nations General Assembly (UNGA) accepted Prime Minister Modi's proposal for the same in 2015.

A world record was created in Rajasthan yesterday after the largest yoga session was conducted to mark the International Yoga Day in Kota.

The two qualities of yoga that stood out for the United Nations were that it is a holistic way to wellbeing, combining physical, mental and spiritual elements. 

It is also very inclusive, and can be practised by anyone irrespective of age, gender, religion or nationality.

"Yoga provides an opportunity to disconnect from the busy world today, and connect with things that truly matter, and that is why this ancient practice is so relevant today." 

Yoga is an invaluable gift of India's ancient tradition. 

It embodies unity of mind and body; thought and action; restraint and fulfillment; harmony between man and nature; a holistic approach to health and well-being. 

It is not about exercise but to discover the sense of oneness with yourself, the world and the nature. By changing our lifestyle and creating consciousness, it can help in well being. 

Let us work towards adopting an International Yoga Day.

— Narendra Modi, UN General Assembly

Video: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCDv8TtM0JGZrD0H7wEdUl7w

Thursday 21 June 2018

Celebrating International Day Of Yoga 2018 - 4th International Yoga Day


A brief background to the International Yoga Day

It was on September 27, 2014 while addressing the 69th session of the United Nations General Assembly our Honorable Prime Minister Mr. Narendra Modi proposed the world community to adopt an International Day for Yoga. In his words, "Yoga is an invaluable gift from our ancient tradition. It embodies unity of mind and body. It is not just an exercise but a holistic approach towards our health and well being". This resolution was endorsed by 175 member states and 21 June was declared as the International Yoga Day.

What is Yoga?

Yoga is a mental, physical and spiritual practice that originated in India. It is an ancient practice. The word Yoga means Unity which symbolizes the unity of mind and body. It works on all the levels of the body including mind, body, energy and emotion. It is an easy and safe way to stay fit and healthy forever. It just need to be practiced regularly with right body movement and breathing. It regularizes the functioning of all the organs in the body and prevents our body to get disturbed due to some unhealthy situation. This is the message that the International Yoga Day wants to spread between people.

Ideally practicing yoga regularly in the morning provides outer and inner relief. It keeps away the countless ailments at both physical and mental level. Practicing the various Asanas strengthens the body and mind creating a feeling of well being. It sharpens the mind, improves brainpower and help in high level of concentration. The feeling of well being enhances the social well being. Improved concentration level creates inner peace to the mind. Yoga is a philosophy which develops self-discipline and self awareness within regular practice.

5 basic Yoga poses for beginners to do on this International Yoga Day:

Balasana (The Child's Pose)

Kneel and bring your chest down onto your thighs and your forehead to the floor. Your arms should stretch by your side with your hands next to your feet. Slowly breathe in through your nose and notice the back of the chest expanding and the ribs widening. As you exhale try to sink the buttocks back down toward the heels feeling the spine gently bend over the thighs. Stay here for 5-10 breaths, or however long feels good for you.


Releases tension in the back, shoulders and chest

Helps ease stress and anxiety

Flexes the internal organs and keeps them flexible

Regulates circulation in the body

Cools the mind and body

Bidalasana (The Cat Pose)

Move into a tabletop pose with the wrists directly below the shoulders and knees below the hips. Push the palms into the mat to make sure your shoulder blades are broad.

While inhaling, look forward and reach the tailbone toward the sky. While exhaling tuck the chin to the chest and reach the tailbone to the floor. Continue through this movement. Allow the breath to lead and feel the entire spine being massaged. Try to keep the creases of the elbows facing each other to protect the joint from hyperextension.

Breathe through 5 rounds.


Develops posture and balance

Strengthens the spine

Stretches the hips, abdomen and back

Increases body synchronization

Massages organs like stomach, kidneys and adrenal glands

Adho Mukha Svanasana (Downward Dog Pose)

Take the palms a little wider than shoulder width, tuck the toes and lift the hips into the air. The chest moves back toward the thighs. Relax the head and keep the arms straight. Roll the shoulders away from the ears. Bend the knees and start to walk with one heel down at a time. It is important to keep the hips high than to get the soles of the feet to the ground.


Builds strong bones.

Fights slumpy-posture syndrome

provide a great ankle and calf stretch

Increases blood flow to face and brain

It opens up sinuses and clears nasal congestion.

Uttanasana (Standing Forward Bent Pose)

Walk your feet toward the hands and let the upper body hang. The neck and head should be relaxed and the knees should be bent to start with. As you inhale find stretch through the spine and while exhaling move the head slowly towards the feet.

Breathe 10 rounds here.


Stretches hips, hamstrings, and calves.

Keeps the spine strong.

Releases stress, anxiety, depression, and fatigue.

Calms the mind and the nerves.

Activates the abs muscles.

Trikonasana (Triangle Pose)

From the standing position, widen your to about a leg-length. Turn the right foot out to the side, so that the heel is aligned with the centre arch of the left foot. Keeping the arms parallel to the ground reach out to the right side. Keep both legs straight with the thighs engaged. When you can't reach any further, align the arms so that they are in one line. The chest remains open and the torso stretches. Breathe 5 rounds here and then repeat on the other side.


Improves the function of blood through body.

Strengthens the hips, back, arms, thighs and leg.

Reduces blood pressure and stress.

heal indigestion.

Calms the mind and reduces anxiety.

Approximately 200 million people around the world practice yoga, majority of them in India, and over 20 million in the United States. With the motion for an International Yoga Day, more people will become aware of the system of yoga and will be encouraged to follow a spiritual life style, a life that is healthy. Let this be a grand opening for the world community to realize the worth of oneness.

Let's take this oath to stay healthy with peace and make this International Yoga Day a day of harmony.

Check out for more fitness tips at http://addamaro.com/fitness/.
You can post your valuable comments there and also share us if you like. For more interesting topics visit us at http://www.addamaro.com

Article Source: https://EzineArticles.com/expert/Atanu_Bose/2301360

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/9449079

Video: https://www.youtube.com/user/VentunoYoga

Friday 15 June 2018

Power Plate Workout


Even if we have not all personally used them, we are all more or less familiar with certain items of apparatus used in gyms today and like everything else, modern technology is keeping up with new developments in this area. One of the most exciting aids to health and fitness is the use of power plates which, simplified, is an exercise machine which works on the body's muscle tone and with the use of high speed vibrations force them into a natural contraction at which point thereafter they go into relax mode.

If you can imagine, for example, working on upper arm strength then you would of course have to carry out exercises for that particular function and this could use up a whole exercise session but the use of power plates means that several groups of muscles are being 'worked on' simultaneously thereby saving a great deal of time and effort. Because the contractions are carried out at such a high speed the bone density will be enhanced thereby decreasing the chances of developing osteoporosis.

It is important to remember that the use of power plates should be incorporated into a structured exercise routine for you to achieve the maximum benefit and of course a sensible calorie controlled diet should always be followed so that they work alongside each other. If you have a previous medical history or feel unsure whether this method would be suitable for you, it is always wise to check with your doctor beforehand and of course always use the machine in a safety conscious establishment with fully qualified staff at hand. Power plates, in the main, are suitable for all age groups and can be used by children to help a variety of conditions ranging from back problems to sports injuries. Because this is a static machine, it has a high safety factor and by using the correct poses and most importantly remembering to align your body so that there is tension in the muscles, your workout will be effective and most of all will save you a great deal of time.

One of the best advantages in using power plates, and there are many, is that you can tailor your exercise sessions to strengthen certain muscles by using the correct body positions aimed at your favourite sport or hobby. Whilst some users will hope to achieve an all round increase in strength and tone, others will want to target particular muscle groups which will be used more in their chosen pastime or perhaps even in a sports minded or dance profession. It is a very easy procedure and as you stand on the machine, simply mimic the actual stance you would take while carrying out the particular activity for the pre-determined allotted time and those groups of muscles will be worked on.

Unquestionably, one of the main advantages of using power plates is the time factor and on a full training session you can actually achieve the same results in around one sixth of the conventional time taken for the same group of exercises. We all want to save time and money and this machine can help to achieve this and of course you will look and feel fantastic, and best of all the long hard hours spent previously in the gym will be a thing of the past.

Author Gail Anderson is a pet owner and writes for a wide variety of online specialty shops including a very popular site selling quality home gym Power Plates. Visit http://www.orbus-leisure.com today.

Article Source: https://EzineArticles.com/expert/Gail_Anderson/579741

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/3979418

Video: https://www.youtube.com/user/MercolaPeakFitness

Wednesday 13 June 2018

How Does Vibration Training Work?


The Power Plate is an exercise device that uses vibration technology. One stands on a large plate and hold a number of isometric contractions. The highly developed vibrations encourage the body's natural reflexive response to interferences in stability for the purpose of stimulating improved muscle strength and performance. Depending on the frequency, the vibration encourages a stretch reflex response which results in fast and intense muscle contractions at 30-50 times per second.

The benefits of using a Power Plate include:

- The device improves muscle strength, flexibility, range of motion, and longevity.

- There have been many scientific studies that have revealed the Power Plate's ability to decrease muscle pain and soreness and speed up the recovery of injured muscles and tendons.

- The body's reaction to the vibrations is all natural and takes place involuntarily at the neural level. These vibration calibrations are made up of a series of scientifically measured frequency levels that produce measurable results.

- The device has been successfully used in sports rehabilitation, alternative medicine, physical therapy, anti-aging treatments, beauty and wellness programs, combating osteoporosis, and much more. It is widely used by professional sports teams, rehabilitation and medical facilities, training centers, health clubs, and in homes.

- Compared with conventional training techniques, greater results are achieved with the Power Plate and hormonal production is increased in much less time. The advanced vibration technology increases the basal metabolic rate, lymph drainage, production of regenerative and repair hormones, improves blood circulation, and strengthens bone tissue. The result is increased speed, stamina, energy, quicker muscle and tissue recovery, increased strength and endurance, and increased fat reduction resulting in weight loss.

- Because the Power Plate exercises are done in standstill positions, there is very little movement making it a non-impact exercise. This is beneficial for people with health issues that keep them from participating in high impact exercises

- The hormone levels of serotonin and neurotrophine are increased which helps improve thinking and elevated mood.

- The device improves collagen production and reduces the appearance of cellulite

- The vibrations increase the secretion of hormones that are important in regeneration and repair processes, such as HGH (Human Growth Hormone), IGF-1, and testosterone.

- The vibrations sent through the body help to increase bone mineral density. This is beneficial for people afflicted with such conditions as osteoporosis.

You don't have to be an athlete or in need of physical therapy to benefit from using Power Plate. Backed by over 40 years of medical research, vibration training enables users to achieve a higher level of fitness and well-being. Continuing scientific research into the Power Plate is showing there are many health benefits to using this amazing machine. It is gaining acceptance by major medical, rehabilitation, and therapeutic centers across the world. It can improve one's general well being and quality of life regardless of age or physical condition. The Power Plate is fast becoming one of the most innovative and effective devices in the health and fitness industry.

Fitness equipment retailer provides you with an informed decision on what fitness equipment would work best for you. Choose from many brands in DKN Toronto, exercise bikes, treadmills, ellipticals, Toronto Treadmills bikes, personal gyms,free weights and Power Plate.

Article Source: https://EzineArticles.com/expert/Amy_Nutt/71550

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/2897439

                             Video: https://www.youtube.com/user/iVibrationPro

Monday 11 June 2018

Power Plate - Go on try it!


Traditional gym equipment is familiar to us all, even to those who don't actually actively exercise, and many new innovations have arrived on the market in recent times. Technology is now very advanced and there have been many new exciting developments in the world of keep-fit and gymnasium apparatus and one of the best new exercise aids is power plates; this in effect is an exercise machine designed to target muscle tone which works by forcing the muscles into natural contractions with the use of high speed vibrations.

The main advantage of power plates is the ability to work on many different groups of muscles at the same time. This is in contrast to more traditional exercises where particular areas of the body are targeted at any one time taking up a whole session for this one function. Using power plates will obviously save on strenuous effort as well as the time taken to complete a gym session with the added advantage of increasing bone density owing to the high speed of the muscle contractions. It has been clinically proven that this mode of exercise can make a significant decrease to any future development of osteoporosis.

It is not advisable to use power plates on a random basis and they should be incorporated into your regular exercise session as part of your 'lifestyle' plan which of course includes following a healthy low calorie diet and this way all the different segments work harmoniously together. It is always wise to check on your suitability when using any new equipment so if you have any pre-disposing or recent medical conditions it is best to have medical confirmation that this form of exercise will suit you, and obviously always use this kind of equipment in a controlled and safe environment under the supervision of fully qualified staff. The machine itself is static therefore increasing its safety level, and is basically very simple to use; you need to create tension in the muscles by aligning your body and adopting the correct pose and the machine will take care of the rest. It sounds very simple, and the beauty of it is that it is very simple!

There are so many advantages with the use of power plates and one of the main ones will help people who actively play specific sports and hobbies. It is merely a case, once again, of mimicking your usual positions for these activities and this helps the machine to pinpoint the muscles which will be worked on during a power plates session. Of course the machine can also be used for a normal whole body workout so it really is up to the individual person's needs and goals as to what type of session you make it. There is certainly no doubt that a great deal of time can be saved using this method of exercise and your long strenuous hours spent in the gym will be a thing of the past leaving you free to enjoy your leisure time with a healthy body and mind.

Author Gail Anderson is a pet owner and writes for a wide variety of online specialty shops including a very popular site that stocks a great range of Power Plates and Vibration Plates. Visit http://www.orbus-leisure.com today.

Article Source: https://EzineArticles.com/expert/Gail_Anderson/579741

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/4269416

Video: https://www.youtube.com/user/PowerPlateINTL

Sunday 10 June 2018

Pulseroll - The Future of Foam Rollers


Foam Rollers

Foam rollers have found their ways into every gym, health club and physiotherapy room for a reason! 

Fitness professionals have learnt that releasing myofascial tissue has many benefits for the body.

Pulseroll is the evolution of the old foam roller, with scientific evidence showing positive effects mechanical vibration can have on fascia as well as balance, mobility and circulation.

It’s easy to use a vibrating foam roller anywhere you need it, being a portable and lightweight product. 

The combination of both vibrations and pressure as you roll helps to enhance blood flow to targeted muscles and soften the tissue to improve both performance and recovery.

Use the discount code:


The vibrating foam roller can be used during your warm up for softening the muscle tissue, cooling down after a workout and to massage various parts of the body. 

Using the unique combination of pressure and vibration it will help loosen your muscles, increase blood flow and flush away lactic acid. 

The vibrating foam roller is a super-versatile piece of exercise equipment that offers many benefits similar to a sports massage. 

It can be used in the gym, home or rehabilitation clinic to improve a person’s flexibility, balance and core muscle strength. 

Through continued use you will notice an increase range of motion and flexibility and will increase your circulation.

Video: https://www.youtube.com/user/HealthGauge