Welcome Video

Monday 27 January 2020

Were You at Strength In Depth 2020?


Strength In Depth 2020 happened this weekend just gone and it was amazing!

Top athletes from the US were throwing down with the best of the British at the UK’s only CrossFit sanctioned event.

CrossFit Mayhem and Mat Fraser were in town raising the bar at this year’s Strength In Depth.

As usual the tried and tested Athlete Services Team from Massage Rx were working hard to keep CrossFit Athletes in tip top condition and perform in the arena.

Sophie and the Team would like to thank all athletes for using Massage Rx.

Some great coverage from Team RICHEY, and we said hi to Craig and Jazz.

Our favourite CrossFit individual was Kyle Shipp, a Pastor from Texas who runs
Faithfully Fit CF

Our favourite CrossFit Team was CF Roseland from New Jersey.

These guys took recovery seriously and came to see us everyday to get expert treatment and recover optimally.

It was great to see our old friends

Kel Baker (Warrior Princess) in the Teams

And Spencer Whiteley (Blockhouse legend) in the individual 40-44 on the Podium in 3rd place.

Massage Rx will see you at the next big CrossFit Event

To everyone that competed and helped out the Bulletproofbodies Boys salute you.

Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=stizQPCjRJE

Tuesday 21 January 2020

Learn To Move Like Conor McGregor


As Conor MCgregor wins another UFC fight, this time in just 40 seconds.

Do you ever wonder how he got so good he could win fights in three different weight categories?

One of the many answers is in the way he moves.

Movement is a skill that many athletes lack.

In 2015 McGregor started training with Ido Portal (A Movement Expert)

 and the results speak for themselves.

Welcome to "Movement Culture." 

Most importantly Ido has inspired thousands of people to expand their movement horizons and play with the myriad different ways that the human body can move. 

Modern society is “movement deprived” at a gross level...and it's costing us. 

Ido Portal was one of the original people in recent years to popularize the NEED for a much higher quantity and quality of movement.


Your movement quality is not good enough, RESUBMIT!

Ido is legendary for the movment standards he requires and students are often asked to "Resubmit" their videos.

Want to start your Movement training?

Try this simple test.

Just sit down and stand up without using your hands:

Can you do it?

Post your comments below.

Ido Portal and Conor McGreogor the Bulletproofbodies Boys Salute You.

Thursday 16 January 2020

Bulletproof Your Body With Yoga


Bulletproof Your Body With Yoga

For years top Sports Men and Women have kept it a secret that they do Yoga.

From Ryan Giggs to LeBron James, 
Maria Sharapova, Paula Radcliffe and the New Zealand All Blacks,

For Giggs’s part, mixing navasanas and chaturangas into his fitness routine added “another 10 years” onto his career.

After a hamstring injury sustained in training in 2001, he tried lots of different treatmenets, but the only one that kept injury at bay was Yoga.

“Yoga was first about injury prevention, but later it became about recovery,”

 Said Giggs.

“The day after a match, the adrenalin would still be in my body. But the following day, when I got out of bed, everything would hurt, so I would do yoga then.”

This weekend Dale from Bulletproofbodies will be starting his Teacher Training with Sarah Ramsden, the Yoga teacher that helped Giggs stay in the Premiership at Manchester United.

It's not just reserved for yummy mummies with a chai latte addiction.

There is no typical yoga person anymore.

As for those who have been discouraged by feeling they are not
 ‘the yoga type’,

or don’t possess the required dexterity and flexibility.

 “saying you are not flexible enough for yoga
 is like being too dirty for a bath”

Over the years the Bulletproofbodies Boys have watched many, blokes (including ourselves) struggle, 
unintentionally competing with implausibly bendy ladies and not doing themselves any favours at all.

Backs out of alignment, necks crunched, hamstrings screaming out for mercy as the woman on the mat next to him effortlessly (or so it seems), does the splits or seems to put her toes in her ears!

This is exactly why we are doing "injury prevention" Yoga training, that we can all add to enhance our training.

The idea is to make Yoga a daily practice, all that is required is 10 minutes a day.

Apart from Yoga's role in sports recovery, the mental health benefits Yoga affords are making it increasingly popular with everyone.

So get on the Mat and show me your downwards facing dog!

But, the best thing is, at the end of it all and all part of the session, you have a well-deserved lie down.



Friday 10 January 2020

The Bulletproofbodies Boys Winter High Moon 2020


The Winter Fan Dance 2020.

That’s how it starts, dark and cold.

As the crowds gather to test themselves against Pen y Fan.

There is a moment when everyone thinks,

 "why am I doing this again?"

The Bulletproofbodies Boys were back providing Physio support, 
Foot Care and Race-day massage at the AEE Special Forces Event in the Brecon Beacons at the Storey Arms.

It was great to meet and treat this awesome bloke,

Jordan Beecher.

An ex-Airborne amputee in action.

As usual we got a chance to do the night march or Ex High Moon.

Uzo revealed his secret weapon

 - Doughnuts from Claire Moreton (Trident Legend)

Uzo retained his winning title

and James came second to the Trident legend that is Mark Pilgrim:

We asked Mark what was his secret?


He replied that,

 “there are no quick wins, you just have to put in the training!”

It was a weekend well spent as we a caught up the Gone Tabbing Community.

Providing Physio for endurance athletes and their families supporting them.

Everyone was talking about the new Massage Gun from Pulseroll.

Check out the awesome products from Pulseroll on the link:

Use the discount code:


As we help endurance athletes to go always a little further.

To all those who did the Fan the Bulletproofbodies Boys salute you.


Thursday 9 January 2020

Bulletproof Yourself Against Your Ego for 2020


So new year, Bulletproof You?

The fitness frenzy of January is upon us.

Most people are likely to over train and under-recover in an attempt to lose the weight they put on over the Christmas break.

Lots of people training leads to lots of unneccessary competition if we don't leave our Ego at the door.

This puts you at high risk of injury.

So you need to follow the Bulletproof Method.

Here are 3 tips to help prevent injury in the month where everyone is over-training.

1.   Consistency is King - You Cannot get Fit in One Workout

2.   Progressive Overload – Ego is the Enemy

3.   Listen to Your Body – Train Don’t Drain

Consistency is King - You Cannot get Fit in One Workout

New year’s resolutions can result in a disturbance of the mind.
We used to be fit and sometimes our brain still thinks that the exercise principles of adaptation don’t apply to us.
It is highly likely that over the last month of December, you became deconditioned and now need a period of progressive build up training.
Be kind to yourself this month.
Don’t push your workouts, just enjoy them.
Don’t seek to beat your personal best the minute you get back in the Gym.
Fitness is the result of consistent, dedicated training, not just the results of one day.

So ease your way back into training and focus on fun!

Progressive Overload – Ego is the Enemy

In order to get results you have to get out of your comfort zone.

We often embrace the Western concept of “Overload” in order to get the “super-compensation” that follows.

The “Crash” training cycle is often used when people want to get fit quick.

Here a 3 - day training cycle should be followed by a day of rest or light activity.

The Russian concept popularised by Pavel Tsatsouline as 
“grease the groove” 
is another way that is often overlooked.

Here exercises such as Pull ups or Press Ups are done little but often. Working on the motor pattern rather than the muscles. 

The great thing about this type of training is the volume of exercise that can be achieved over a sustained amount of time.

So try this strategy with Pull ups next time you're in the Gym.

Do sets of 1-5 reps then go off and do something else.

10 mins later repeat this process until you have done 5 Sets.

Whether you're doing 1 or 5 Pull ups doesn't really matter.

What you want is to feel like it's easy and not a chor.

Increase your pull ups by one each week ONLY.

Listen to Your Body – Train Don’t Drain

Our Mentor Paul Chek has some excellent talks on this subject.

It is easy to over do exercise and end up getting injured.

Here your Physiology has won over your Training Philosophy.

That’s because you did not listen to your body.

You have to pay attention to your energy levels.

The food you are eating and your levels of hydration.

Don’t train if you are tired.

Get an early night and do some light training in the morning.

Save the heavier workouts for when you are well rested.

So, these 3 little tips are a simple but effective way to make 2020 the year that you listen to your body and have an injury free year.

Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pU-s7JS7WME&feature=emb_logo